
I was finally moved to create this blog after the events of summer 2009 when a group called Voice of Young Science – an offshoot of Sense about Science turned their focus on homeopathy and condemned its use in the developing world.

Uncharacteristically I use a quote from the Christian bible  as the only possible  explanation.

“Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.”  Luke 23:34

Having trained as a scientist, retrained as a  homeopath and spent almost 30 years in the homeopathic trenches  as practitioner, teacher and writer across planet earth, I offer this blog as a source of information for the thinking person.

If you don’t like thinking you should probably quit now while you’re ahead!

Comments: Since it’s my blog and I read enough negative comments about homeopathy on other blogs, I reserve the right to delete any I don’t like on this blog.