Tag Archives: dangers of homeopathy

Edzard Ernst – Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures?

It’s been a while, but after the recent accusations of bias, cherry picking and conflicts of interest from denialists who continue to use the UK Parliamentary Evidence Check to support their claims, this latest example from homeopathy’s ‘academic nemesis’ needed a blog post.


The homeopathic community and its supporters are well used to rising above the continued onslaught of the anti-homeopathy campaign. With limited resources they choose their battles carefully. Imagine their delight then when on Jan 28th 2013 three positive pieces about homeopathy hit the mainstream news :

In the Canadian National PostHomeopathy Offers Hope

From The Times of London an op ed piece: I’d rather be ‘cured’ by a placebo than rely on science and remain ill

And on CBS’s Doctor Oz show : The Heart of Homeopathy: Like Cures Like    (The video is hard to find but it’s there.)

After Doctor Oz’s chatty piece on the usefulness of homeopathy, follow up information was posted on his website along with a paragraph entitled: Could Homeopathy Be Dangerous? 
The paragraph warned about

“a wide range of adverse effects, including abdominal pain, headaches, nausea, rashes, and pancreas or liver damage.”

and that

“There have also been some reports of serious side effects, including kidney failure, seizures and death.”


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